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Education & Outreach

Certainly not the first time I've had a

In addition to their weed-eating services, goats possess a keen ability to kick start conversations about conservation, engage students, and to attract volunteers to projects and places they visit.


Since the summer of 2013, our goats have participated in farm-based summer camp at the Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, where they offer children the opportunity to discuss the products and services provided by livestock, identify invasive vegetation, and spend time with the animals. In conjunction with DC Greens and the Growing Green Teachers programming, the goats have also participated in educational visits to DC Public Schools during spring and fall months.


Our shepherd speaks about targeted grazing, getting started with goats, small ruminant health & more, through her work at Future Harvest, at local colleges & universities, nature preserves, community events, classrooms and more. Visitors are welcomed to the home farm during the off-season, especially in coordination with Pumpkins for Pigs.


Please contact us if you are interested in a visit or lecture.

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